I want to contact my child’s district or school leaders about healthy schools
Decide who you want to call or email - this may include the school principal, assistant principal, district superintendent or other leader.
Log on to your district or school’s website to obtain contact information.
Make the call or send the email
Sample email for general support for healthy schools:
Dear (insert school/district leaders’ name),
My child is a student of (insert school name or district) and I care deeply about creating healthy schools. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear how connected health and learning are. Yet by many measures we are not providing our children and school staff with a healthy school experience. A healthy school recognizes and advances the mental, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of students and school staff as a fundamental strategy to effective learning. I implore you, both in the short and long-term, to make every effort to advance healthy schools. Here is a valuable resource that could help and a tool to assess where we are as a school/district community. We have to get this right for our children and the adults who work on their behalf. What are we doing to create healthy schools here in (insert community’s name)?
(insert your name)