I want to support the Healthy Schools Ten Year Roadmap on social media
Sample Tweets
We cannot return to the pre-pandemic status quo which left millions of children and adults in unhealthy schools. Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap offers a bold, comprehensive, and popular blueprint to create healthy schools over the next decade.
Healthy schools recognize and advance the mental, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of students and school staff as a fundamental strategy to effective learning. The Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmaps includes hundreds of opportunities for action on the federal, state and local levels.
To strengthen our public schools, we must improve the coordination between and among the education and health sectors because the link between health and learning is indisputable. The Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap is an amazing resource to get started. Insert link
The average public school building is over 50 years old. It’s time to create healthy schools for our students and school staff. The Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap can help!
Less than one-quarter (24%) of children 6 to 17 years of age participate in 60 minutes of physical activity every day. It’s time to create healthy schools for our students and school staff. The Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap can help!
Sample Facebook/longer posts
An amazing group of health and education nonprofits have collaborated to craft a bold, comprehensive, and popular blueprint to create more healthy schools. The Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap features hundreds of recommendations for action on the federal, state, and local levels.
Informed by the real experiences of students, school staff and administrators, parents, and nonprofit organizations as well as successful policy experiments around the country, the Healthy Schools Ten-Year Roadmap offers a bold and practical path forward.